Benefits of IRL (In Real Life) v Online Dating

Have you ever been on a date with someone you met online? Maybe it went great, or maybe it was just okay. But have you ever thought about what the pros and cons are of meeting someone IRL instead of online? Here are some benefits of IRL dating vs online dating to think about the next time you’re swiping left or right – IRL is a more natural and uninhibited way of meeting someone Viewing profiles is no substitute for […]


Real-Life Dating is Making a Comeback

In the world of modern dating, it seems like everything has moved online. From meeting someone on Tinder to shaking hands on Zoom, it feels like a lot of us have forgotten how to actually go out and meet someone in person. But is this really the case? Recent reports suggest that single people are bored of dating apps and are turning away from virtual dates and towards real-life events. Attendance to singles events is reportedly on the rise, with […]


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